Here are some of the text published over the course of the artistic research project Atlas of Smooth Spaces, in reverse chronological order.

Schweizer Rhythmik-Fachzeitschrift: «See my logic»
SCORES | Zwischen Dokumentation, Vermittlung und Kreation
Symbiotic Spaces: dialogues between a pianist and a self-playing piano
Eurhythmics – Movements between composition, notation and sonic realisation
Collision as method for in-the-moment artistic co-creation
Article for "Handbook Music and Motion"
Conference on Dance Research
Dance and Theory – Challenges and Tendencies in Teaching Theory in Dance Education. International conference Bratislava
Article in "Le Rythme": Dialectic Attempts of A Eurhythmician And A Complexity Scientist
Movement and Computing Conference (MOCO'22)