The duality between space and performers is at the heart of this audio-corporeal art. Space becomes the principal mediator of consonance, dissonance and resonance, of reflection and refraction, of emittance and transmittance, of harmony and disharmony, but also of suggesting and accepting, of guiding and following and of conducting and receiving. The space leverages this mediation and becomes saturated by it.

Then the question arises, who is conducting and who is conducted? Who or what is the instrument and what the instrumentation? A choir with all members being placed in isolated cubicles is not quite a choir. As few as two singers can elevate each other into a choir in cooperation with the ambient space. When tapping into the powers of space, singers can reinforce themselves into a homogeneous, space-pervading and elevating phenomenon. Is the reinforcing space then an instrument or a collaborator? Is the reinforcing and transmitting space the active and conducting source?
\ Lux Aeterna
Studies of space from Ligeti’s choir score. Learn More
\ Mapping gestures
Conducting gestures to control audio in real time. Learn more
\ Audience participation
Participative approaches to choir polyphony. Learn more