Photo by: Leonhard Horstmeyer
Kick-off Workshop (aka. Ignition Lab)
Where: Großer Saal, Rennweg 8, 1030 Wien.
When: 2021-09-01, 9h
Photo by: Leonhard Horstmeyer
Kick-off Workshop (aka. Ignition Lab)
Where: Großer Saal, Rennweg 8, 1030 Wien.
When: 2021-09-01, 9h
Professor for Theories of Music and Movement/Rhythmics at the Institute for Music and Movement Education/ Rhythmics (MDW)
Project Role
A Theoretical Investigator
Fluid Roles
A Documenter
A Experimentalist
A Theoretician
Website: website of Stephanie Schroedter
Stimme- Körperarbeit- Tanz- Sprache: Meine künstlerischen Ausdrucksmöglichkeiten sind vielfältig und v.a. in ihrer Interdisziplinarität bereichernd für meine beruflichen Herausforderungen.
Project Role
A Eurhythmician
Fluid Roles
A Documenter
A Performer
Website: website of Magdalena Eidenhammer
Kai Chun Chuang is a dancer and choreographer who collaborates with various artists in Europe. In 2014, he won first prize at the National Creative Dance Competition in Taiwan. In 2015, he was a member of the Taiwanese WC Dance Company. In 2016 he went to Europe where he participated in various projects: cho.reo.loop 2.0 Tanz Festival Augsburg, Posthof zeitkultur am hafen Linz, Lange Nacht der Bühnen Linz, Alicante Intricate Trajectories, Theater //an der rott. With his piece [(sw)allow] he took part in the Solo Tanz Theater Festival Stuttgart in 2018.
Fluid Roles
A Performer
Website: website of Kai Chun Chuang
Photo by: Complexity Science Hub Vienna
How can we construct notational systems of spaces and what do we demand from them? In this workshop, we would like to pursue this question from a performance, as well as a complexity science perspective, and lay emphasis on the experiential dimension rather than the bare physical description. At the same time, we explore various synergies with the work of the CSH. How can we build virtual or artificial spaces? How can virtual spaces help to investigate space experiences? How can notational systems be developed, also beyond a written encoding? In the audio-corporeal arts, space is both shaped by performers as a medium, and shaping the performer as a condition. Despite its important role, notations and means of communicating spaces and their qualities are lacking. The 20th century has seen a range of notational systems for movement and dance, such as the Laban notation. The starting point of this workshop is a brief exposition of the notion of artistic research, followed by theoretical contributions and practical input from performers. The envisioned output is artistic research collaboration between the mdw (University for Music and Performative Art Vienna), the abpu (Anton Brucker Privatuniversität) and the Complexity Science Hub (CSH).
This workshop is in collaboration with the Complexity Science Hub Vienna
Where: Complexity Science Hub Vienna, Josefstaedter Strasse 39, 1080 Vienna.
When: 2021-06-17, 9h