IMAGO DEI – Calling the Spirit – Skrjabin Mysterium

Image by: David Visnic
The mystery as an idea occupied a central position in Alexander Scriabin’s (1872-1915) work and permeated his entire artistic output. The mystery was not to be “theatre”, it was to become reality, real experience, a moment of the act of creation, consisting of the synthesis of three arts: Poetry, music and sculpture (as mime and dance). Therefore, the boundaries between performers and audience fall, all are “initiated”, all become participants in a great evocation.
“Scriabin – We conjure you! Come! Every word, every gesture, every sound is there to summon you, Alexander Nikolayevich Scriabin!”
This call happens with all the senses. The ritual arises in the moment. Where is the I? Where do we find the higher level of consciousness? The sensuality of music is physical. It is movement, touch, a physical aspect of experience. We adopt postures, we develop gestures, we expand space and stretch time.
Being together is in the foreground. Listening, thinking, contemplating makes us participants in the mystery. Through the change of perception we become part of infinity. Where are the abysses of feeling? How is consciousness awakened to higher things? Vers la flamme. Aren’t the puppets already looking at us from the other world?
Art is mystery. The mystery is all of us – in the moment.
Where: IMAGO DEI Festival,
When: 2022-03-19, 18:00h
Who: Rose Breuss, Kai Chun Chuang, Damian Córtes Alberti, Marcela López Morales, Mariia Shurkhal