Image by: Johannes Hiemetsberger
In the performance „NOW, as I was about to….“, 4 dancers, 10 singers, 1 choir conductor, 1 pianistperformer, 1 composerlive-electronicist and 1 complexity scientist*performer create moments of the present. The swinging, falling, tilting, catching, circling, searching, flowing in, around, through and in the NOW manifests itself in audio-corporeal spaces – near and far, dense and porous, interrupted and continuous, eternal and fleeting….
Where: Brückenfestival Wienerwald, Eichgraben (Austria)
When: 2023-05-06, 20h
Who: Rose Breuss, Kai Chun Chuang, Damian Cortés ALberti, Johannes Hiemetsberger, Leonhard Horstmeyer, Marcela López Morales, Mariia Shurkhal, Adrián Artacho, Hanne Pilgrim and Company Of Music