Forschungsforum @ ABPU

On 15 January 2025, the team of the Atlas of Smooth Spaces project presented an insight into three and a half years of artistic research in the disciplines of choral conducting, original sound (film), mathematics, rhythmics and dance at the ABPU’s Forschungsforum. In a lecture performance, the team took the audience on a journey through the laboratories, projects and results of the interdisciplinary artistic research.

Vorstellung des PEEK-Projekts „Atlas of Smooth Spaces“ @ Forschungsforum

Image by: ABPU

Das Forschungsforum der ABPU findet am 07. November 2023 statt, mit einem Gastbeitrag des FWF. Ab 20 Uhr wird das Tanzteam des Atlas of Smooth Spaces den Fortschritt dieses PEEK-Projekts präsentieren. Mehr Infos hier.

Where: ABPU (Linz)

When: 2023-11-07, 17:30h

Who: Rose Breuss, Mariia Shurkhal, Damián Cortés Alberti, Marcela López, Kai Chun Chuang

Symbiotic Spaces: dialogues between a pianist and a self-playing piano

Image by: ICDS6

Research paper on sketches from our research process investigating spatial qualities in eurhythmics performance as a specific audio-corporeal practice, within the context of the artistic research project ‘Atlas of Smooth Spaces’.

Where: Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh USA

When: 2023-08-04, 8:30h

Who: Leonhard Horstmeyer, Adrián Artacho, Hanne Pilgrim

Read more “Symbiotic Spaces: dialogues between a pianist and a self-playing piano”

Collision as method for in-the-moment artistic co-creation

In this brief talk we present the results of applying our specific collaboration methodology, one year into the artistic research project ‘Atlas of Smooth Spaces’, whose object of research is the space that is created around performers, shaped through performers and accessed by performers.

Where: SAR Conference 2023. Trondheim, Norway

When: 2023-04-19, 10:00h

Who: Leonhard Horstmeyer, Mariia Shurkhal

Read more “Collision as method for in-the-moment artistic co-creation”

Rosenberg Dance Research Festival

Image by: Rose Breuss, Damián Cortes Alberti

The festival, which is being held for the first time at the Anton Bruckner Private University, focuses on dancers from an international dance community and their current artistic research projects. Classical discourse and performance formats are expanded by lecture performances and studios that reveal and discuss the theoretical foundations of dance practices. Contemporary dance proves to be a multiply networked, “nomadic” milieu that is paradigmatic for contemporary artistic creation in its historically founded but underestimated internationality.

Where: Volkstheater Wien

When: 2022-10-25, 14h

Who: Marcela López Morales, Mariia Shurkhal, Adrián Artacho, Rose Breuss, Damián Cortés Alberti, Kai Chun Chuang, Leonhard Horstmeyer, Hanne Pilgrim and Adrián Artacho

Workshops and lecture „Etudes d’espace – dialectic attempts of a Eurhythmician and a complexity scientist“

Image by: Leonhard Horstmeyer, Hanne Pilgrim

We gave insights into our case study on notation through description in the frame of the Symposia”rhythmik:connect“:

Where: University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna

When: 2022-10-01, 14:30h

Who: Leonhard Horstmeyer, Hanne Pilgrim

and “we listen.we move. we connect” at Royal College of Music in Stockholm:

Where: Royal College of Music, Stockholm

When: 2023-06-04, 14:30h

Who: Hanne Pilgrim

Dance and Theory – Challenges and Tendencies in Teaching Theory in Dance Education. International conference Bratislava

Image by: DVORANA VŠMU – Academy of Performing Arts

International conference: Dance and Theory – Challenges and Tendencies in Teaching Theory in Dance Education.

Dancing Spatial Constructs and Notations by Univ. Prof. Rose Breuss (Austria).

Where: DVORANA VŠMU – Academy of Performing Arts (Bratislava)

When: 2022-09-29, 10:00h

Who: Rose Breuss, Damián Cortés Alberti, Marcela López Morales

Movement and Computing Conference (MOCO’22)

MOCO is an interdisciplinary conference that explores the use of computational technology to support and understand human movement practice (e.g. computational analysis) as well as movement as a means of interacting with computers (e.g. movement interfaces). This requires a wide range of computational tasks including modeling, representation, segmentation, recognition, classification, or generation of movement information but also an interdisciplinary understanding of movement that ranges from biomechanics to embodied cognition and the phenomenology of bodily experience.

The 8th International Conference on Movement and Computing Conference took place 22-24 June 2022 in Chicago, Illinois (USA). Adrián Artacho and Leonhard Horstmeyer presented the SmoothOperator: A Device for characterizing Smoothness in Body Movement.

Who: Adrián Artacho, Leonhard Horstmeyer, Maria Shurkhal