Leonhard Horstmeyer, Hanne Pilgrim

Leonhard Horstmeyer, Hanne Pilgrim
Adrián Artacho, Leonhard Horstmeyer, Markus Kupferblum, Hanne Pilgrim
Hanne Pilgrim
Image by: Adrián Artacho
Mut – jede stimme zählt is a participative choir performance designed to blur the lines between performers and audience. The piece is written for an 8-part choir (regardless of voice pitch), which should be roughly equal in size and distributed in the areas where the audience is located. The ninth voice is intended for the audience itself, who can also participate via their smartphones.
Where: Volkstheater Wien
When: 2023-05-21, 18h
Photo by: Raino Rapottnig
TANZ AM FLUSS Aus der Serie Strich/Figuren I-IV der Cie. Of(f) Verticality
Where: Stadtpfarrkirche Urfahr, 4040 Linz (A)
When: 2023-01-24, 19h
Who: Rose Breuss, Leonhard Horstmeyer, Adrián Artacho, Hanne Pilgrim and Students of the ABPU.
Application of the Assemlage Flow- Interaction Concept to a Dance Score.
Maria has tried to create a dance score that translates the concept of flow and interaction – the desiring machine into the movement. In order to do so, she addressed the anatomical categorisation of the movement range of the human joints:
The joins of the skeleton define the motion of the body and its limitations. Maria has developed a score based on the synovial joints and the type of movements and limitations they allow.
Image Source: Anatomy & Physiology, Connexions Web site. http://cnx.org/content/col11496/1.6/, Jun 19, 2013.
The score was developed in a frame of a residency at Schiede Hallein in September 2022. The work was presented in an experiemental format during the final showing of the residency and resieved positive feedback from the audience.
Image by: Mariia Shurkhal/Adrián Artacho
Desire Machine – An artistic exploration of the performative space during Schmiede Hallein 2022
Where: Schmiede Hallein (Hallein, Austria)
When: 2023-09-15, 19h
Leonhard Horstmeyer and Hanne Pilgrim conducted a workshop with eurhythmics students from Vienna and Stockholm as part of a “Learning, Teaching, Training Activity” in the Erasmus+ funded project “Eurhythmics in Education and Artistic Practice”.
Participants were ask to project the motif of a double pendulum as departure point for a movement composition “Tenyeres” from Játekók Vol.1 by György Kúrtag as musical departure point.