Choir Lab

In the Choir Lab we discussed the underlying spatial concepts of choral scores from different epochs. The starting point of our discussion was Ligeti’s Lux Aeterna, which we worked on in the context of the participative performance Conducting Spaces at the Ars Electronica Festival in September 2021. The perfomance was directed by Hanne Pilgrim, Johannes Hiemetsberger with “company of music” and Adrian Artacho. This was our departure point for investigations into gestural notations and the emergent spatial effects of Ligetis piece. In the Lux Aeterna score we considered discrete time units to create intensive spatial qualities. We organized a special Lux-Aeterna workshop on the 15th of October 2021 to discuss experimental setups. The next smooth space lab focused on a particular setup, where a group of 16 participants was involved. We explored the 16 voices of the Lux Aeterna piece by a gestural movement improvisation, and captured the respective movements with a MiMU glove using Ableton Live. We also included video capture.

Lux Aeterna Score with personal notes

For more details see “Lux Aeterna Lab”….

Here is some of the output produced in this Lab:

Lab participants

Mut, jede Stimme zählt @ Volkstheater

Image by: Adrián Artacho

Mut – jede stimme zählt is a participative choir performance designed to blur the lines between performers and audience. The piece is written for an 8-part choir (regardless of voice pitch), which should be roughly equal in size and distributed in the areas where the audience is located. The ninth voice is intended for the audience itself, who can also participate via their smartphones.

Where: Volkstheater Wien

When: 2023-05-21, 18h

Who: Johannes Hiemetsberger, Adrián Artacho

Read more “Mut, jede Stimme zählt @ Volkstheater”