Fractal Lab

The Fractal Lab is rooted in the idea of an illusion of “fractal spatial qualities” created by sound oscillations, which are created by decomposing and phase-shifting musical motifs. From simpler studies for piano and recording device with compositions by Émile Jaques-Dalcroze and Klement Slavicky, a case study developed with the self-playing piano system CEUS by Bösendorfer. The study series was structured around six brief case studies. These investigated the concept of spatiality in its different facets and lead into a cycle of short pieces titled ‘six memos for a pianist and a self-playing piano’ after Italo Calvino’s unfinished lecture series ‘Six memos for the new Millenium’.

Here is some of the output produced in this Lab:

Furthermore in order to pursue this artistic investigation, we also developed a library of MaxForLive devices (TesserAkt) that perform all sorts of operations in the midi realm. These modules can be stuck in any configuration and connect to one another using midi CC messages. This library is open source and freely available for other artist-researchers to use and expand on:

Lab participants

Description Lab – Dialectic Attempts of A Eurhythmician And A Complexity Scientist

The Description Lab took place in the context of the null space research in the dicsipline of eurhythmics. The praxeological research material has been published in the form of an article in Le Rythme 2023, the annual journal of fier, and in an online exhibition

Here is some of the output produced in this Lab:

Lab participants

Symbiotic Spaces: dialogues between a pianist and a self-playing piano

Image by: ICDS6

Research paper on sketches from our research process investigating spatial qualities in eurhythmics performance as a specific audio-corporeal practice, within the context of the artistic research project ‘Atlas of Smooth Spaces’.

Where: Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh USA

When: 2023-08-04, 8:30h

Who: Leonhard Horstmeyer, Adrián Artacho, Hanne Pilgrim

Read more “Symbiotic Spaces: dialogues between a pianist and a self-playing piano”

Six memos for a pianist and a self-playing piano – an artistic investigation of spatial phenomena with the self-playing piano system CEUS by Bösendorfer

Adrián Artacho, Leonhard Horstmeyer, Markus Kupferblum, Hanne Pilgrim

Eurhythmics – Movements between composition, notation and sonic realisation

Coming soon:

Article “Rhythmik/ Musik und Bewegung” by Hanne Pilgrim, Stephanie Schroedter and Dorothea Weise in “Handbuch Tanzpädagogik/ Tanzvermittlung”

After a historical outline of the origins of eurhythmics, Dorothea Weise discusses this subject area as a movement pedagogy to and through music. Hanne Pilgrim shares methodological sketches on scores as movement readings based on eurhythmics’ characteristic view on movement/ dance from the reference system of music. Stephanie Schroedter sheds theoretical light on the intertwining of music and movement/dance and discusses music for and in movement.

Who: Hanne Pilgrim, Stephanie Schroedter

Article for “Handbook Music and Motion”

(upcoming) Publication by Hyun Kim/ Schacher/ Schroedter

In the article “Six memos for a pianist and a self-playing piano” we share sketches of our research process investigating spatial qualities with the the self-playing piano system CEUS by Bösendorfer which were conducted by pianist and eurhythmician Hanne Pilgrim, composer Adrián Artacho, complexity scientist Leonhard Horstmeyer and music theater director and video artist Markus Kupferblum.

Who: Hanne Pilgrim, Adrián Artacho, Leonhard Horstmeyer

Video presentation „Six Memos for a pianist and a self-playing piano” @ MDW

Collage from video Stills from Markus Kupferblum

The composition “Six memos for a pianist and a self-playing piano” emerged from a peer-to-peer interaction between Adrián Artacho and Hanne Pilgrim with the self-playing piano “CEUS” by Bösendorfer as case study on the null space of Eurhythmics. Markus Kupferblum developed a cinematic concept for the six co-created compositions by Adrián Artacho and Hanne Pilgrim.

Where: University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna

When: 2022-10-01, 20h

Who: Hanne Pilgrim, Adrián Artacho, Leonhard Horstmeyer

Read more “Video presentation „Six Memos for a pianist and a self-playing piano” @ MDW”

Workshops and lecture „Etudes d’espace – dialectic attempts of a Eurhythmician and a complexity scientist“

Image by: Leonhard Horstmeyer, Hanne Pilgrim

We gave insights into our case study on notation through description in the frame of the Symposia”rhythmik:connect“:

Where: University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna

When: 2022-10-01, 14:30h

Who: Leonhard Horstmeyer, Hanne Pilgrim

and “we listen.we move. we connect” at Royal College of Music in Stockholm:

Where: Royal College of Music, Stockholm

When: 2023-06-04, 14:30h

Who: Hanne Pilgrim

Null space experiment: double pendulum and a score by György Kúrtag

Who: LeoHanne

Leonhard Horstmeyer and Hanne Pilgrim conducted a workshop with eurhythmics students from Vienna and Stockholm as part of a “Learning, Teaching, Training Activity” in the Erasmus+ funded project “Eurhythmics in Education and Artistic Practice”.

Participants were ask to project the motif of a double pendulum as departure point for a movement composition “Tenyeres” from Játekók Vol.1 by György Kúrtag as musical departure point.

Screenshot by Hanne Pilgrim

The output generated by the workshop participants can be found here

Still from the digital canvas where students’ works are uploaded (see link above)