Spherical dances

Score for dance quintet and movement choir

Spherical Dances configure dance movements by means of text, image and dance scores on the theme. They unfold from the processes of deciphering, scanning and incarnating this score. Movement is understood here as a broad spectrum of physical phenomena, impulses and mechanics, i.e. not only the mechanically visible movement of human limbs, but also inner movements such as breathing, changes in tension, perceptions, spatial references, contacts, touches, points in space and time. In re-actions to their view and their interpretation of the material, dancers invent movements and (temporal) spaces. Such thematically arranged re-action chains appear analogous to the dramaturgy of hope – a dramaturgy that seeks to shape and change re-action chains from the conditions of reality.

Persistent identifier: https://phaidra.bruckneruni.at/o:3798


SCORES | Zwischen Dokumentation, Vermittlung und Kreation

Scores sind derzeit in aller Munde. Choreografien und Performances basieren auf Scores, generieren und modifizieren sie. Auch die Tanzwissenschaft hat Scores als tanzspezifische Medien entdeckt. Dabei reicht das Verständnis eines Scores von der einzelnen, spontan entstandenen Linie auf einem Blatt Papier über komplexe Konzepte oder schriftliche Bewegungsanweisungen bis hin zu äußerst diffizilen (Zeichen-)Systemen.

by: Miriam Althammer / Anja K. Arend / Anna Wieczorek (Ed.)

Edited by: epodium

Who: Rose Breuss, Maria Shurkhal

Read more “SCORES | Zwischen Dokumentation, Vermittlung und Kreation”

SCORES: Zwischen Dokumentation, Vermittlung und Kreation

This post comprises three contributions to the publication SCORES: Zwischen Dokumentation, Vermittlung und Kreation, edited by Miriam Althammer, Anja K. Arend and Anna Wieczorek.

This study on the artistic dance research project Atlas of Smooth Spaces, Notating, Communicating and Composing Spaces in Audio- Corporeal Practices comprises three parts by three authors, and shows a joint work on Dorothee Günther’s drawn exercise series from three different praxeological approaches. In part one Rose Breuss describes the project in brief, outlines its notation-theoretical background, and presents a series of notational compositions.

In part two Damián Cortés Alberti exposes praxeological procedures, using diffraction and transmediation as a research method—applied in his doctoral dance research—and its transfer to the artistic creations of the Off Verticality Dance Company.

In part three Marcela Mariana López Morales presents selected aspects of her doctoral research, which focuses on historically informed creation processes and their modes of appropriation, transformation, documentation, and re-signification in dance practices.


Symbiotic Spaces: dialogues between a pianist and a self-playing piano

Image by: ICDS6

Research paper on sketches from our research process investigating spatial qualities in eurhythmics performance as a specific audio-corporeal practice, within the context of the artistic research project ‘Atlas of Smooth Spaces’.

Where: Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh USA

When: 2023-08-04, 8:30h

Who: Leonhard Horstmeyer, Adrián Artacho, Hanne Pilgrim

Read more “Symbiotic Spaces: dialogues between a pianist and a self-playing piano”

Eurhythmics – Movements between composition, notation and sonic realisation

Coming soon:

Article “Rhythmik/ Musik und Bewegung” by Hanne Pilgrim, Stephanie Schroedter and Dorothea Weise in “Handbuch Tanzpädagogik/ Tanzvermittlung”

After a historical outline of the origins of eurhythmics, Dorothea Weise discusses this subject area as a movement pedagogy to and through music. Hanne Pilgrim shares methodological sketches on scores as movement readings based on eurhythmics’ characteristic view on movement/ dance from the reference system of music. Stephanie Schroedter sheds theoretical light on the intertwining of music and movement/dance and discusses music for and in movement.

Who: Hanne Pilgrim, Stephanie Schroedter

Collision as method for in-the-moment artistic co-creation

In this brief talk we present the results of applying our specific collaboration methodology, one year into the artistic research project ‘Atlas of Smooth Spaces’, whose object of research is the space that is created around performers, shaped through performers and accessed by performers.

Where: SAR Conference 2023. Trondheim, Norway

When: 2023-04-19, 10:00h

Who: Leonhard Horstmeyer, Mariia Shurkhal

Read more “Collision as method for in-the-moment artistic co-creation”

Dancers ANNUAL

The article describes the artistic research project “Atlas of Smooth Spaces – Notational Practices of audio-corporeal arts,” funded by the Austrian Science Fund FWF from 2021 to 2024. The project is a collaboration between the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna and other institutions. It explores the space created by dancers and choreographers, focusing on their spatial practices and choreographic spatial concepts.


The research involves a group of professional dancers, choreographers, and musicians, as well as a mathematician. They investigate how dancers and choreographers suspend spatial constraints and create new, virtual, visionary spaces. The research group presented their studies and artistic performances at the Rosenberg Dance Research Festival in October 2022 at the Anton Bruckner Private University. The festival provided a platform for the research practices of dancers and choreographers, with an international group of dancers presenting and discussing their work.Other activities took place in collaboration with the dance company Choreographia[Inter]Austriaca, Consort of Spectacle, Performance, Dance, and with the Chorus Sine Nomine. Choreographia[Inter]Austriaca, a collective of dancers and choreographers, focuses on incorporating neglected, migrant-influenced archival and notation material into their choreographic processes. They presented a Vienna premiere on November 1, 2022, at brick-5, featuring choreographies developed experimentally within the “Atlas of Smooth Spaces” research project.

Article for “Handbook Music and Motion”

(upcoming) Publication by Hyun Kim/ Schacher/ Schroedter

In the article “Six memos for a pianist and a self-playing piano” we share sketches of our research process investigating spatial qualities with the the self-playing piano system CEUS by Bösendorfer which were conducted by pianist and eurhythmician Hanne Pilgrim, composer Adrián Artacho, complexity scientist Leonhard Horstmeyer and music theater director and video artist Markus Kupferblum.

Who: Hanne Pilgrim, Adrián Artacho, Leonhard Horstmeyer

Dance and Theory – Challenges and Tendencies in Teaching Theory in Dance Education. International conference Bratislava

Image by: DVORANA VŠMU – Academy of Performing Arts

International conference: Dance and Theory – Challenges and Tendencies in Teaching Theory in Dance Education.

Dancing Spatial Constructs and Notations by Univ. Prof. Rose Breuss (Austria).

Where: DVORANA VŠMU – Academy of Performing Arts (Bratislava)

When: 2022-09-29, 10:00h

Who: Rose Breuss, Damián Cortés Alberti, Marcela López Morales

Movement and Computing Conference (MOCO’22)

MOCO is an interdisciplinary conference that explores the use of computational technology to support and understand human movement practice (e.g. computational analysis) as well as movement as a means of interacting with computers (e.g. movement interfaces). This requires a wide range of computational tasks including modeling, representation, segmentation, recognition, classification, or generation of movement information but also an interdisciplinary understanding of movement that ranges from biomechanics to embodied cognition and the phenomenology of bodily experience.

The 8th International Conference on Movement and Computing Conference took place 22-24 June 2022 in Chicago, Illinois (USA). Adrián Artacho and Leonhard Horstmeyer presented the SmoothOperator: A Device for characterizing Smoothness in Body Movement.

Who: Adrián Artacho, Leonhard Horstmeyer, Maria Shurkhal